ABR Committee Application


Are you looking for a way to get involved with the Anchorage Board of REALTORS® (ABR), or do you have a special interest or talent you want share with us? Volunteer your time and skills by joining one of the many committees!

To apply, review the committee descriptions below and make your committee selection. You may apply for as many committees as you wish. However, a new application will need to be submitted for each committee selection. 

The ABR President appoints, and the ABR Board of Directors confirms new members to committees on an annual basis. Most terms are for 1-year and begin on January 1st. However, we are always looking for more volunteers to help us throughout the year. Apply now! 

If you have questions, please send an email to our Association Executive, at members@ancboard.com

Thank you for your interest!

Select An Option

We are hosting the 2026 Alaska REALTORS® Convention in Anchorage, September 16-19, 2026, at the Hotel Captain Cook! Plans are underway now, to make this a memorable convention. We have many subcommittees at work, so you can help with one or in as many areas of planning this event as you wish.

Conducts fundraising activities in compliance with the Alaska RPAC policy. Schedules annual events and activities to encourage ABR member participate as a major doner. Coordinates with Alaska RPAC to conduct in-person or live auctions and other events. Collects auction items, sets up auction program, finds volunteers, prepares and submits final reports of donated and purchased items to Alaska RPAC and ABR Staff.

Schedules sponsorship opportunities for Affiliate Business Partners. Reaches out to business who are not yet partners to encourage them to join us. This is a forum for affiliates to express ideas or concerns, and to become involved with our association!

Sets the education goals and creates an annual schedule of education opportunities for our members. Obtains venues and instructors and assists association executive to schedule DCE and ECE educational sessions for our members. Develops scholarship programs as needed. Reviews new educational requirements.

Review monthly financial reports. Assists association executive to prepare annual budget. Recommends annual budget to the board of directors for approval. Reviews and manages investment accounts as needed. The chair of this committee is the ABR treasurer.

Collaborates and executes ideas, programs, and events that will generate non-dues revenue, to include gaming, pull tabs, raffle drawings, and more.

Reviews proposed bylaws changes. Ensures bylaws and policies are in accordance with National Association of REALTORS® model documents.

Tracks legislative issues that affect the real estate industry at the assembly and state legislature level. Offers recommendation for support of legislative issues, conducts candidate interviews and/or debates. Offers recommendations on candidate support to Alaska RPAC. This is where your RPAC contributions count!

We need more ways to mingle and get our members to be involved and participate in our activities and learn what we offer. Do you like to network and organize events and opportunities to engage with the REALTOR® community? Maybe run a media campaign? Let’s have some fun too!

The military committee is one of the most active committees we have. They work with JBER to provide the military community an awareness of REALTORS® and an avenue to homeownership. Members must be a Veteran.

Encourages members to be nominated for the board of directors. Reviews nomination applications. Recommends final slate of candidates to the board of directors. Assists the association executive with election process as needed. Persons who plan to run for election cannot serve on this committee.

Reviews ethics and arbitration complaints. Serves as a grand jury to review complaints to either dismiss or forward complaints to the Professional Standards Committee as a hearing panel. Must have Professional Standards Training to serve on this committee.

Meets as needed to hold hearings to make decisions on matters involving alleged unethical conduct or arbitration request after acceptance by the Grievance Committee. Exchanges ideas to enhance the Code of Ethics enforcement, arbitration, mediation and ombudsman services.  Members are required to attend mandatory professional standards training to serve on this committee.

Members of this committee act alone to facilitate mediation sessions or act as an ombudsman for buyer, seller, and REALTOR® disputes. Must have National Association of REALTORS® mediation/ombudsman training.

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