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Fairness for All | 5 ECE

Wednesday, October 1, 2025 (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (AKDT)


Each 3-year Cycle, the National Association of Realtors® require our members to take a 3-hour Realtor® Code of Ethics course, and new in 2025, a 2-hour Fair Housing course. Why not take this class and get credit for both and receive 5 ECE credits toward your Alaska Real Estate license renewal? 

Fairness for All  | Course #TBA | 5 ECE - Topics covered: History of Fair Housing Law, Examination of Unintentional Bias. Activity showing how easy it is to have Unintentional Bias. Attention to resources that NAR has provides. Fair Haven simulation and Unintentional Bias resources. History of several associations across the country that have had fair housing violations and how it could be avoided. Background of Code of Ethics. History of NAR Code of Ethics and Fair Housing Evolution. Discussion of why complying with Fair Housing Law is an opportunity and not a punishment

Instructor: Georgia Meacham

This class is made possible with your RPAC contribution; we received a grant from the National Association of REALTORS® and the Realtor® Party! Thank you for supporting RPAC!


Registration opens on August 1st.

This class is offered in-person classroom format only. Cost is $50; at the door registration $75.

ABR Members receive this class at no cost when you register between August 1st through 31st using the ABR InfoHub; Members only log into the ABR Info Hub here.

Are you a Realtor® from another board? If we have room, you are welcome to register beginning September 8th. 

Not able to register until the last minute, or are you a Non-Realtor®? You may register at the cost of $75.

BP Energy Center
1014 Energy Court
Anchorage, AK 99508 United States

BP Energy Center is not in the BP Tower! If you are not familiar with the BP Energy Center, please allow for extra time for parking. The map on your phone is not accurate! The center is in a separate building from the BP Tower building. When you turn off New Seward Highway onto Energy Center Court, the parking area is on the right. Park and take the short walking path through the woods to the center.

Event Contact
Anchorage Board of REALTORS®
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Wednesday, October 1, 2025 (10:00 AM - 3:00 PM) (AKDT)
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