NAR President's Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, April 25, 2024 (9:00 AM - 10:00 AM) (AKDT)
President Sears will update you all on association initiatives and agenda items we anticipate will arise at the Legislative Meetings in Washington, DC. This meeting is also a platform for any State, Local, or ISC Presidents to ask questions of President Sears.
To join the discussion, please use this Zoom link:
This Town Hall is in accordance with the governance changes approved by the NAR Board of Directors, which require NAR to hold a virtual Town Hall within 30 days prior to each Board of Directors Meeting. The goal of this meeting is to inform presidents of NAR business and receive feedback on some of the motions and discussion that the Executive Committee and Board of Directors will be considering at their upcoming meeting. Attendees will include state and local association presidents, as well as presidents of NAR's Institutes, Societies, & Councils. Association Executives and NAR Directors are invited to join as observers.
Questions? Email nargovernance@nar.realtor

April 13, Thursday 10-11 am Central Time