Monday, October 28, 2024 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM) (AKDT)
Our next Regional Stakeholder Meeting in October will now serve as a virtual Pre-Caucus, providing an opportunity for all Board members to be well-informed and engaged ahead of the November meetings. During the virtual meeting, Directors will:
- Hear committee recommendations, that we know of in advance.
- Ask questions and seek clarification on any points of interest or concern.
- Engage directly with committee leaders and subject matter experts before Executive Committee discussions in Boston.
President Sears also referenced an electronic petition mechanism that will allow Directors to refer a committee recommendation back to the Board of Directors. A petition signed by at least 20% of Directors, in accordance with Article V, Section 2 of the Constitution, is required. Directors will have until Friday, November 8 to submit their petition.
We strongly encourage all Directors and committee members to participate in these virtual Pre-Caucus meetings to ensure that our discussions in Boston are as informed and productive as possible.
Thank you for your continued leadership and commitment. We look forward to your active involvement in this important process.
Meeting registration: